The heartbeat of any stock exchange, and perhaps, the economy is stocks and bonds. Regardless of whether you are trading on the Nifty or the Sensex, as an investor with a reputed broker such as Kotak Sec,urities, understanding specific financial terms can get confusing. If you are a new investor to the stock market, you […]
Search Results for: financial instruments
How does Change in TER Influence Investment in Mutual Funds?
Whenever you watch an advertisement on mutual funds on the television, you hear an ultra-quick “Mutual funds are subject to market risks…” announcement at the end. But what you don’t hear is that mutual funds come with expenses too. These expenses are commonly known as TER in the mutual fund sector. What is TER? Mutual […]
7 Tips on Trading CFDs
Played well by a prescient mind, contracts for differences (CFDs) can lead to immense yields. They are agreements to pay out the difference between the executing and closing price of a share. As highly leveraged financial derivatives, CFDs can be lucrative substitutes to buying stocks. With a CFD, you can make money without ever actually […]