Doing our part to protect the environment means more than simply separating our trash for recycling and buying organic vegetables. More needs to be done to make sure you have a nice and healthy home environment to inhabit. Rising energy costs and global warming as well as other issues are getting on the forefront of the need for conserving natural resources however way we can. It also makes the need for lifestyle changes a reality, as this is something that will not only save you and your family money, but it will also allow you to live a more healthy life. The following tips will give you a better understanding of what you can do to do exactly that:
These will allow you to save quite a bit of money in the process, but you will also have them last a lot longer than their incandescent counterparts. On the bright side, they also have a much smaller carbon footprint overall as you live your life. You will not have to change light bulbs as often as well, which will in turn protect the environment.
Cleaning the green way
Another great way of ensuring you deal with things in an eco-friendly and healthy way is to do your cleaning with such products. There is a great deal of cleaning supplies free of this issue nowadays, with companies getting more and more used to the idea of providing products free of allergens and hazardous chemicals. You can also make use of typical items found in your home, such as distilled white vinegar and similar solutions to achieve the same affect, especially when cleaning mold, cleaning carpets professionally and other problems.
If you happen to be on the forgetful side, you should focus on installing movement sensors for lights that need to be active only when you’re in the room and doing something. This will allow you to save energy as well as not having to remember all of these things. You can also install automatic timers to reduce the energy wasted on forgotten lights.
Setting the temperature
Set the cooling and heating temperatures at the right levels. Your refrigerator and freezer are the worst offenders in most cases, as they tend to consume the most energy around your home. Take steps to ensure they don’t consume more energy than is necessary. Fridges can do what they need to do at about 37°F, while freezers can pretty much keep things frozen at -3°F. Keep fridge and freezer doors closed at all times and you will save money – simple but effective and often the reason for rising energy bills. In the winter your thermostat should be set at about 68°F during the day and about 55° during the night. Summertime could be great for 78°F. Water heaters are most efficient at ranges between 120-140°F.
Unplugging what you don’t use
Electronic appliances of all sorts, including computers, TVs, DVD players and all manner of other electronics can still consume about as much energy in standby mode as they would when they are truly on. Make sure you keep them switched off entirely or even unplugged, as the vampire energy they consume will be felt in the long run.
Efficient use of appliances
You should wait until you have a full load before you use your washing machine, dishwasher or dryer. Make sure you clear the lint after each dryer load and dry your clothes when the weather allows you to do so. You should preheat the oven only when you need to.
Let the sunshine in
The cheapest and most environmentally great way of heating and lighting you home is right in the sky. Open your blinds and drapes and allow the light to stream into your home. You can also make use of heat shields and mirrors to transfer some of that light around when you need to.
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