Mitragyna Speciosa or Kratom as it is more popularly known as is a tree that is native to South-East Asia. Kratom has been used since times immemorial by the people of Thailand, Malaysia and Myanmar. Kratom leaves are popular particularly among the elderly male in Thailand and Malaysia. The edible leaves work pretty much like Coffee does for a middle class American. Kratom leaves find varied use and is a popular folk remedy that is used as a stimulant, narcotic and as sedative.
Kratom finds use in the treatment of Diarrhea and for opiate addiction
Consumption of Kratom
There is no one way of Kratom. The most common method of consumption appears to be making a tea from powdered Kratom leaves
1. Tea of Kratom Leaves
The powdered dry kratom leaves are boiled and strained and drunk as tea. The resulting liquid can be re-boiled and can be stored for a long time. This produces a lingering effect on the user though the intensity of the reaction will be quite weak.
A paste like extract can be prepared by long time boiling of the tea. Small pellets taken from this extraction can be swallowed direct or can be dissolved in hot water and consumed. Most often, the natives mix this extraction along with regular tea powder whilst preparing Tea .Sugar or honey is added to this Tea mixture to make it more palatable
2. Chewing the Leaf
The leaves of Kratom are most often chewed (after removing the central vein in the leaf) .Since Kratom is a local produce, the leaves can be transported to the market in quick time thereby preventing any rotting of leaves.
3. Dry and Powdered Kratom Leaf
Dry Kratom leaves can be chewed directly too although it may taste bitter than the fresh leaves. Since dry leaves are tougher, the native users tend to powder the leaf, mix it with fruit juices which reduce the bitter taste and can be consumed relatively easily.
The narcotic effect of Kratom plant varies depending on the mode of consumption. When taken as a tea, the effect of Kratom leaf on the user is discernible within 20 minutes. Extracts can take longer time for manifesting the effect on its user.
More about this plant at KratomOnline wherein you can learn the different methods or preparing and using Kratom leaves.
Medicinal Uses of Kratom Plant
The Kratom leaves are versatile and are found to have medicinal uses too:
- Kratom leaves are used to treat intestinal infection
- They are used in the treatment of muscle pain
- Kratom leaves have been successfully used to reduce Cough
- Kratom leaves have analgesic properties. The South East Asians use Kratom leaves as Pain reliever. They are especially popular among people who do hard labor.
Effects of Kratom
Since Kratom is both a stimulant and a sedative, it is found to have effects similar to opiates.
Physical effects may include Constriction of pupils, constipation, increase in blood pressure, elevated heart rate, nausea and a possible hangover.
Mental effects may include one or all of these symptoms. A kratom user would exhibit euphoria, stimulation, affability, socialness and sedation. It is advisable not to consume Kratom prior to doing any hazardous tasks as sleep can overcome you at any point without any warning.
The narcotic effect of Kratom plant varies depending on the mode of consumption. When taken as tea, the effect of Kratom leaf on the user is discernible within 20 minutes. Extracts can take longer time for manifesting the effect on its user. The opiate effect of Kratom can linger on for two hours to five hours depending on the potency of the leaves. Know more about this plant at KratomOnline for its Analgesic, Narcotic and stimulant effects.
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