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Things to Consider when Looking for Hematology Staining Kits and Solutions Supplier

Whether you are planning to put up a laboratory business or acquiring supplies for an educational institution it is critical to get a reliable and reputable supplier. Supplies like Gram Stain Kit or Wright-Giemsa modified Stain Kits help doctors and other medical professionals make an accurate diagnosis and come up with an effective treatment plan so getting such reagents is crucial.

Only reputable suppliers can provide you with staining kits and solutions that will guarantee accurate results. Below are some tips to make sure you end up partnering with a supplier that you can really depend on.

Product Range

Hematology stains help determine things such as cell count and cell type when studying samples of blood or bone marrow. These products also help experts determine structural characteristics of different cells.

Make sure you get suppliers with a wide variety of products that can help you with your hematology needs as well as your supplies for microbiology, mycology, cytology and instrumentation.

You need to inquire if the gram stain kit or the Wright-Giemsa modified stain kits have been optimized to provide the best differential pattern and differentiation of cell types.

Laboratory owners should also make sure that the stains are formulated to work on most automated stainers today, as well as manual staining equipment.

Years in business

Longevity of a business tells a lot about the business. If a company has been in business for decades, this means that it has been trusted by experts and laboratories. An experienced supplier will have all the technical know hows and have the inventory to keep your shelves filled with gram stain kits, Wright-Giemsa modified stain kits, hematology rinse, hematology buffer, stat stain, immersion oils, among other supplies you need in your lab.

If you plan to expand your business, you can depend on these suppliers that they can deliver what you need in a snap.

Pricing matters

Of course, one of the biggest factor to consider when buying your laboratory supplies is one’s pricing. As a business, you also need to take home some profit and you can only have a good margin if you can get your supplies at competitive prices.

If you want to get your gram stain kits at affordable prices, you may want to check out suppliers with an online presence. You will see that supplies such as Wright-Giemsa modified stain kits are priced a lot lower compared to those with just a brick and mortar set up.

Do not be afraid to haggle and ask for discounts especially if you are getting a big volume and considering a long-term business relationship.

Customer Support

A good service is alway one of the biggest considerations when deciding to tap a supplier or not. You want to partner with businesses that treat their customers right. In case there are issues with shipping or meeting the volume you require, suppliers should be able to inform you in advance or have contingency plans so you can operate your laboratory without any interruption.

Volu-Sol has been in the business since the 1970s and has been the trusted source of Gram Stain Kit, Wright-Giemsa modified Stain Kits, among other laboratory supplies.

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